Golf grips may seem like a minor aspect, but they can remarkably affect your game. As they are the sole point of contact between you and your club, they have the potential to influence your grip tension, swing velocity, and overall control. Picking the appropriate one between the standard vs midsize golf grips for your game is crucial, for this reason.
Although most golf players consider the standard golf grips, however, midsize grips have a remarkable edge. They offer a fine and stable grasp, as well as easing hand tension and encouraging a more relaxed swing thanks to their slightly bigger diameter. The decision between the typical standard and midsize grips should not be made vaguely, irrespective of whether you are an experienced pro or a novice just getting started. Let’s take a closer look at the two main types of standard vs midsize golf grips and see which one suits your game best!
Standard vs Midsize Golf Grips – A Quick Overview
Standard golf grips
The most popular type of grip in the game of golf is a standard grip. These grips are generally around 0.58 inches in diameter and are designed to accommodate the hands of most golfers. Standard golf grips have the benefits of being easily available with easy-on-the-pocket prices, a comfortable and familiar alternative for many players. Additionally, they may be placed on most golf clubs and are suitable for a variety of hand sizes. Standard grips are often constructed of rubber or some other kind of synthetic material, that offers a fixed unshakeable grip and reduces shock during swinging.
Moreover, standard golf grips have the stumbling block of possibly not providing enough grip for golfers with larger hands or weaker grips. Less control and accuracy during the swing may be the outcome of this. Additionally, golfers who have joint pain or other hand ailments may not get enough cushioning from normal grips. Standard golf grips are an amazing choice for golfers who are just beginning or for those who have not tried out multiple types of grips. Moreover, they are a fantastic option for golfers with average-sized hands and healthy joints. To sum up, standard golf grips are a well-liked and compliant choice for players of all skill levels. Although they may not be appropriate for all players.
Midsize golf grips
Golfers who prefer a grip that is slightly larger than the regular size but not as big as an oversized grip customarily choose midsize golf grips. These grips ordinally have a diameter of 0.6 inches, which is bigger than the standard of 0.58 inches. Golfers who find the regular size too small but do not want to use a grip that is too sturdy can find a comfortable fit with midsize grips. These grips often seem softer and more comfortable, and they also assist in reducing the grip pressure needed by the golfer.
One of the biggest benefits of adopting midsize golf grips is that they give players with larger hands a more comfortable grip. Additionally, they aid in easing tension in the hands and wrists through the course of the swing, which can result in more reliable strokes and reduced wear and tear over time. Midsize grips also help golfers with arthritis or other hand ailments in keeping a firm grip on the club. These golf grips have the downside of being too big for golfers with smaller hands, who would thus lose feel and control of the club. Midsize grips may also be overly soft or spongy for some golfers, which might reduce feedback from the grip.
How to Determine the Appropriate Grip Size for Your Hands
Golfers should take care of their grip size carefully because it can impact how persistently and comfortably they can swing their clubs. There are a few things to take into consideration while deciding in-between the standard and midsize golf grips:
Hand Size:
Your hands’ proportion has the largest role in defining your grip size. Compare your measurement to the grip size chart provided by the manufacturer by measuring your hand from the top of your middle finger to the bottom of your palm.
The size of the grip could impact comfort while swinging. The hands may feel stiff and strained if the grip is too small. If it’s unduly big, it could be challenging to wrap your hands around the club, and it’s exhausting at times.
Swing pace:
Your grip size might also be impacted by your swing’s pace. A broader grip may aid in better club control if your swing speed is faster, while a smaller grip that promotes more feel may be more beneficial if your swing pace is slower.
Shot Shape:
A broader grip could have helped to lessen your propensity to slice or hook the ball. On the other hand, if you have trouble drawing or fading the ball, a smaller grip may give you better control.
To determine which grip size feels the most comfortable and promotes the best performance on the course, it’s essential to experiment with several grip sizes.
Considerations While Selecting Golf Grips
The decision in-between the standard and midsize golf grips can be influenced by several variables, such as hand size, grip pressure, and swing speed. You may benefit from a larger grip size if you have bigger hands or if you tend to grab the club with more force. On the other hand, a smaller grip size can be more appropriate if you have smaller hands or if you typically employ a lesser grip pressure. Your choice of grip can also get influenced by the speed of your swing. Faster swings frequently need more firm grips to keep the club from slipping.
Standard Vs Midsize Golf Grips – Which One You Should Use?
Golfers with larger hands, those who experience hand fatigue, or those who have arthritis should make use of midsize golf grips. Golfers who desire a little larger grip without using an oversized grip can think of these as well. They should experiment with a number of grip sizes to find the one that suits them best, but midrange grips can be a good place to start for those looking for a more comfortable grip without giving up too much control.