A Closer Look At What Is A Sponsor Exemption In Golf

What is a Sponsor Exemption in Golf

Sponsor exemptions in golf are an excellent way for players to gain entry into PGA Tour events. They offer an opportunity to compete against the world’s best golfers. They also give them the chance to prove themselves on the biggest stages. In this article, we’ll discuss what is a sponsor exemption in golf, how they work, and some of their pros and cons.

What Is A Sponsor Exemption? 

A sponsor exemption is an invitation to compete in a PGA Tour event issued by the tournament’s sponsor or the PGA Tour itself. The player who receives the invite competes without qualifying for the event. This opportunity comes through special qualifying events, Schools, or other means. This type of exemption is often used to give players who don’t have much experience. It allows them a chance to showcase their talent on a larger stage.

History and Evolution of Sponsor Exemptions

Sponsor exemptions have been around for a long time but weren’t used until the 1970s. It was when the PGA Tour began to offer them to attract more of the top players in the game. The most common use of sponsor exemptions is to invite amateurs or non-PGA Tour members who have excelled in other tournaments. These tournaments include events like the U.S. or British Amateur Championship.

What is a sponsor exemption in golf – Sponsor exemptions are also used to allow players to make their mark in golf. Despite not achieving success on the PGA Tour circuit yet, they provide this opportunity. It includes up-and-coming professionals who have showcased potential. But they haven’t been able to compete at the highest level yet.

Who Qualifies for a Sponsor Exemption

The criteria for earning a sponsor exemption varies from tournament to tournament. The PGA Tour and the event’s sponsor will both have their own set of requirements to give someone an invite. 

Generally speaking, players must meet certain qualifications. These qualifications may include prior success in professional golf or earning some money in lower-level professional tournaments. For example, the U.S. Open gives sponsor exemptions to players who have earned an exemption from Q-School. They also extend invitations to those who have won a lower-level event within the past 12 months.

Sponsors will sometimes be non-PGA Tour members who have excelled in amateur events. These events include the U.S. Amateur Championship and the U.S. Junior Amateur Championship.

Pros and Cons 

As with anything, there are both advantages and disadvantages to sponsor exemptions in golf. Here is the detail about some pros and cons of sponsor exemptions in golf. 


  •  It gives players who wouldn’t otherwise have an opportunity to compete on the PGA Tour to play in a professional event. It allows them to gain valuable experience.
  • Sponsor exemptions can also allow players to make money if they perform well at the event. 


  • Some see Sponsor exemptions as unfair because they bypass the normal qualifying criteria. All other players must go through these criteria.
  • Players who receive sponsor exemptions are often pressured to perform well. This pressure arises because they can compete with the best players in the world.

How Do Sponsor Exemptions Work? 

The tournament sponsor or the PGA Tour offers sponsor exemptions. The player must accept the invitation to be eligible for the event. They may only receive certain sponsor exemptions in any given season. The tournament sponsor or the PGA Tour changes the exemption conditions, including how much money they will award if cut.

Players who receive a sponsor exemption must also have information about what is a sponsor exemption in golf and meet certain eligibility criteria. For example, some sponsors may require that the player has finished in the top 75 of a previous event. Others may insist that they have won an amateur tournament.

Players can also apply for sponsor exemptions by applying to the PGA Tour’s website. It is usually done by submitting a resume and applying for an open tournament or one designated as an exemption-eligible event.


Q. How many sponsor exemptions can a player receive in a season? 

A. The tournament sponsor limits a player’s ability to receive sponsor exemptions in any given season to four or five, depending on the sponsor.

Q. Are there any special criteria for receiving a sponsor exemption? 

A. Yes, players must usually meet certain criteria to be eligible for a sponsor exemption. These may include finishing in the top 75 of a previous PGA Tour event or winning an amateur tournament.

Q. How do players apply for sponsor exemptions? 

A. Players can apply for sponsor exemptions by applying to the PGA Tour’s website. They must submit a resume and apply for an open tournament or one designated as an exemption-eligible event.

Q. Are sponsor exemptions transferable to other players? 

A. No, the player who received them can only use sponsor exemptions. They are non-transferable.

Q. Are there any restrictions on how often a player can receive a sponsor exemption? 

A. Yes, most PGA Tour events limit the number of sponsor exemptions that can be issued to any particular player in any given season. The exact number may vary depending on the tournament sponsor or the PGA Tour.


Sponsor exemptions in golf are a great way for players to get their foot in the door and prove themselves on the professional stage. Players need to understand what is a sponsor exemption in golf, all the criteria required to receive an exemption and the pros and cons associated with them. With this information in hand, players can decide whether a sponsor exemption is right for them. 

Sponsor exemptions can also be a learning opportunity for players. By competing in these events, they will gain valuable experience and knowledge to help them become better players in the long run.

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